Next release: Soon(tm)

Current Source release: twclone-source-0.14

Current Binary releases: twclone-x86-bin-0.14, twclone-alpha-bin-0.14

How many of you remeber the BBS days back in the late 80's and early 90's? Back when you would call in play games and go on with your life? Well I'm trying to duplicate one of those old games. It was called Trade Wars 2002(Created by Martech Software). So I decided to make a game similar to it that runs in Linux.

Currently I'm working on this project in my free time as a small coding project. If you would like to help, please contact me.

Status: Rewrite on the server code

Much thanks to Jason C. Garcowski who has helped me greatly with this project.

Systems that have been tested and it works.
System tested on and *almost* works
Done and works
Currently in Progress
To do before next Beta release
To do list--Before Official source code release Ver 1.0.
To Do List--Way into the future In order of importance.
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The name Trade Wars 2002 is copyrighted (C) 1990-2000 by Epic Interactive Software. They can be reached at .

Last updated 10/08/2006